City Café | Competências do Futuro, Maria Antónia Cadilhe

The City Café initiative is part of the Porto Innovation Hub (PIH) activity, coordinated by Porto Digital on behalf of Porto City Council, and is mainly aimed at municipal teams.
Aiming to create in PIH space an informal moment of collaborative dialogue between speakers and audience, this activity is inspired by a coffee break, an after-lunch moment, during which participation and dialogue between participants is natural and desirable. The events are face-to-face and free of charge, with prior online registration.
The upcoming session is part of the cycle dedicated to the "Future", which is subdivided into three subthemes: "The Future of Organisations", "The Skills of the Future" and "The Future of Cities".
On March 14th, at 1.30pm, Maria Antónia Cadilhe will promote a lecture on "Competences of the Future", at PIH.
In a context where work, companies and people are different and will continue to change, it is important to critically analyse possible competences that, from a professional point of view, will help us face and live the future.
Maria Antónia Cadilhe is a researcher at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto and a guest lecturer at the Porto Business School and the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. She has held positions as Director of Talent Management at Sonae and Mota-Engil Group, having previously had experience as a consultant at Deloitte and Hay Group. She is a member of the Life Design Studio at Stanford University and her main research interests are the (re)design of possible professional and life paths.
14 of March of 2023 13:30 - 14:15 Tue
Porto Innovation Hub
Largo do Doutor Tito Fontes 15
4000-124 Porto
Largo do Doutor Tito Fontes 15
4000-124 Porto