Municipal lease program "Porto com Sentido": tender was extended until January 15th

05 Jan 2021
The municipal company Porto Vivo, SRU, responsible for managing the "Porto com Sentido" program, granted another fortnight to deliver applications for the lease of seven fractions, ready to live, located between Downtown Porto and the parish of Ramalde.
The types in question in this first lot vary between one-bedroom and three-bedroom, so the properties are prepared to receive different types of aggregates.
At the end of this process, the houses will be allocated, by lot, among the candidates who meet the selection criteria.
The effort rate will be, at most, 35%, counting that among the admissibility criteria the program determines the maximum yields per fiscal year and the adaptation of the aggregate composition to the typology to which it is applying.
All applications must be submitted using an electronic form available on the Porto Vivo, SRU website, however, in-person presentation at Porto Vivo, SRU facilities is permitted, provided that previously scheduled.
The clarification of doubts inherent to the contest can be made by telephone to the number 222 072 700, by e-mail, or in person, by appointment, at Porto Vivo, SRU (Rua de Mouzinho da Silveira, 212).
"Porto com Sentido" was launched by the Municipality with the objective of introducing affordable housing in the traditional rental market, thinking of the different profiles integrated into the middle class, with intermediate incomes.