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FEP and Porto Business School among the best schools in the world

The 2023 edition of the Eduniversal Best Business Schools Ranking honours these two business schools affiliated with the University of Porto with “4 Palmes of Excellence” due to their notoriety.

FEP and Porto Business School among the best schools in the world
noticias.up · 03 Jan 2024
Among the 1,000 best business schools in the world, the School of Economics and Management of the University of Porto (FEP) and Porto Business School (PBS) have been honoured in the 2023 Eduniversal Best Business Schools Ranking.

The University of Porto continues to rank second among the 14 higher education institutions recognised by the international agency, the Eduniversal Evaluation Agency, surpassed only by the Universidade Nova de Lisboa – Nova School of Business and Economics.

It was in 2019 that FEP and Porto Business School were recognised with "4 Palmes of Excellence” for the first time, as a result of the upward trajectory seen by both institutions as regards their reputation and influence, both nationally and internationally.

Through the Eduniversal Best Business Schools Ranking, the prestigious Eduniversal Evaluation Agency initiative honours the best educational institutions in each country, based on multiple qualitative and quantitative criteria. Some of the factors taken into account for the appropriate classification include notoriety, international accreditations, position in global rankings, affiliations and partnerships.

The global results of the 16th Eduniversal Ranking are available here.

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